Protect Your Roof’s Underlayment
Your roof flashing is the layer of waterproofing materials that will prevent water from entering more vulnerable roofing underlayment. It’s an essential component of the roofing construction process and should always be kept an eye on in case of replacement. Cook Roofing Company will be happy to assist you whenever you need help. If you need help with flashing replacement in Springfield MO and Branson give us a call at (417) 334-4238 today!
Basic Info. Regarding Roof Flashing
Roof flashing is usually made of galvanized steel or aluminum materials due to their ability to wick water and prevent rust formation yet they can also be made from different materials for protection as well. These roofing materials are typically the final step of interior underlayment before the exterior roofing materials of asphalt shingles or other roofing materials are put over them. You’ll often see exposed flashing glistening in the light if roofing materials have broken off during storms with high winds or hail. It’s therefore important that you make sure initial roofing installations are secure before finishing a roofing project. If you’re in doubt as to the integrity of your roofing materials be sure to have a professional conduct roof inspections so repairs can be made before they worsen. Here are some examples of the types of materials your flashing can be made of:
- Copper
- Aluminum
- Lead
- Galvanized Steel
Get flashing repair in Springfield MO and Branson whenever your roofing materials have blown off or have left layers underneath exposed!
Dial Us For More Information
Cook Roofing Company is a qualified roofing company that is familiar with all of the steps to constructing a roof! We make sure to back up all of our products with workmanship warranties so you can have a well-protected roof. If you’re in need of flashing installation in Springfield MO and Branson we’ve got your roof covered. Our trained professionals will make sure all roof installations are secure. If you have any questions be sure to give us a call at (417) 334-4238 for more information. We’re happy to speak with you!